Saturday, February 12, 2005

Time for something new

I've been on vacation for a while. Ten days to be exact, and my return to work has been a little odd. Work, of course, has not changed at all, but then again, it never does. No, it's my perspective that's different. As I finally coasted to a halt, about 8 days into my vacation, I realized that I'm at a new place in my life. I've burned off a lot of the negative emotions that have been surrounding me during earlier posts and I'm more at peace than I've been for a while. There's a lot to be said for just writing everything down and letting it go. It's a very therapeutic practice.

Anyhow, it occurs to me now that my mind is clear, that this is a time of new beginnings, a time to go in a new direction. Maybe it just took 8 days to slow down enough to see it. I'm not yet sure what direction it will be, but I feel good about taking the time to figure it out. When you're running all the time it never seems like there's time to do anything. Its one foot in front of the other to the exclusion of all else, and its dangerous to go on like that for too long. It's the short road to despair and depression. I don't think I really even knew that's what I was doing at the time.

So its time for something new. I don't know what it will be, but there will be something. Something new in this blog, and something new in my life in general. I just need to remember to focus on the road ahead and not just my feet.


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